Kate A’s Story

Hi my name is Kate …

I found out at 12 weeks that my first baby/ pregnancy was high risk & that I should have an abortion.. however I talked to my then boyfriend & said I would rather keep the baby & if he would like to leave that now is the time.

At 15 weeks we were told that she had ‘no brain’… However we choose to continue in faith & prayed even to hold her for a bit… We knew she would have to come early due to other medical issues such as heart issues.

I was exactly 20 weeks when we were meeting up with the cardiologist & the L&D doctor at 8:00. We had to travel 2 hours to get to the specialist so we had left before 5:30 am.

By 8:30 we had been told she had passed .. we were then sent to the ultrasound pod where we sat til 11:30 ( yes, with all the healthy moms & babies! It was absolutely terrible!) we weren’t released til 1:30 …

We had to pick up the pill at the pharmacy & we had called my parents in Ky & they made plans to come up asap ( the next day Wednesday)…. Thursday I took the pill to start induction & immediately went into labor ( even tho I hadn’t been called in ,there were no rooms available) I laboured at home & got some last minute funeral things done .. got a small box to bring her home in etc sewed her little blanket… & Bought her little sloth that she was buried with …

We were in London by 8pm & got an IV .. at 9:54 am on Friday Oct 6, Emily Anne Befurt was born .she weighed 9 oz & was 17 cm long .. we were discharged at 12 & headed home .. on the way home we did the hardest thing parents ahould need have to do .. we left her at the funeral home …

He was the best director! Showed us out options & actually cared! Saturday at 4:30 we buried her.. 2 of her uncles( my next 2 younger brothers ) carried her to her plot & my older brother laid her down …  We laid her to rest in a beautiful old graveyard out in the country surrounded by friends & family…

We miss you everyday,our precious baby … Love mom & dad!!

A stuffed sloth sits on a pile of fresh pink and white flowers. The rainbow skirt is on the bottom of the flowers.

Kate and her husband hold a small stuffed sloth and a pink flower in their hands.

Kate holds her daughter who was born early at 20 weeks.

Kate holds her daughter who was born early at 20 weeks.

White flowers sit atop Kate's daughter's grave.

Kate wears a white dress and the rainbow skirt. Show holds her arms out in the air on both sides.

Kate wears the rainbow skirt. She stands against a white brick wall holding a bouquet of flowers against her chest.

Kate wears a white dress and the rainbow skirt. Her husband stands next to her and they share an embace.

Kate sits on a black leather sofa wearing the rainbow skirt. She holds a bouquet of pink and white flowers against her chest.

Kate sits on a black leather sofa wearing the rainbow skirt. She holds a bouquet of pink and white flowers against her chest.

Kate wears the rainbow skirt. She holds a bouquet of pink and white flowers against her chest.

Kate wears a white dress and the rainbow skirt. She stands against a white brick wall.

Kate wears the rainbow skirt wrapped around her body. Her husband stands behind her hugging her shoulders.

Photos taken by Janelle Cotterill.

Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.

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