
Published Articles

Love What Matters

‘I cried, ‘I can’t do this. I want to stop.’ I had to deliver my daughter knowing I’d never hear her cry.’: Woman delivers rainbow baby sister after losing daughter to Mosaic Trisomy 15

‘I had to deliver her, knowing I’d never see her open her eyes.’: Mother shares pregnancy losses, rainbow baby journey

Cafe Mom

After My Baby With Mosaic Trisomy 15 Was Stillborn, I Gave Birth to Her Rainbow Sister

Zoe Faith

Jasmine Grace

Postpartum Brain

5 Things to Do After a Miscarriage or Stillbirth


‘I had to deliver my daughter knowing I’d never hear her cry’

Pregnancy After Loss Support

Connecting Loss Parents: One Mom Honors her Baby’s Memory with Project Finding Your Rainbow

A Picture of Grief: Two Years Later

Thinking about my baby who died as we approach her second birthday

Moving Away: Leaving the only home with memories of our daughter

Adjusting to big transitions while parenting after loss

Bringing Home a Baby Born after Loss: Adjusting to the New Addition

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog: Emma’s Birth Story

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 39: The Induction

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 38: In the Home Stretch

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 37: Trepidation about adding a sibling

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 36: The Final Stretch

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 35: Released from the MFM

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 34: Crazy Emotions

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 33: Is this our last baby?

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 32: The Biggest Milestone

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 31: Going to Counseling

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 30: A Great MFM Appointment

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 29: An Uneventful Week

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 28: Hitting the Third Trimester

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 27: It’s Okay to Complain

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 26: After the One Year Anniversary

A Year Ago Today

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 25: The Upcoming One Year Anniversary

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog: Week 24, Hitting Pregnancy Viability Week

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 23: A Champion for Loss

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 22: No Such Thing As A Coincidence

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 21: Dealing with the Anxiety

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 20: Are You Going to Have More Kids?

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 19: Measuring Pregnancy in Milestones

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 18: Anatomy Scan

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 17: The Upcoming Anatomy Scan

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 16: Shopping for the New Baby

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 15: An Emotional Holiday Season

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 14: Meeting with the MFM

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 13: Planning for the Baby

Sarah’s Bump Day Blog, Week 12: Ready to Announce

A Loss Mama’s Experience with Genetic Testing

When To Announce A Rainbow Pregnancy

The Dreaded Six Month Mark

Trying to Get Pregnant Again after Loss

Featured Articles

CDH International

Featured Cherub: Jasmine Grace Cox


Reading to Cope With Grief by Desiree Worrall-Belanger


Grieving Moms Podcast – Episode 234: Infertility, Early Loss, Stillbirth, and Rainbows with Sarah Cox

The Joy of Sunflowers – Pregnancy Loss, Stillbirth, Pregnancy After Loss, Find Your Rainbow

Grief Trails – Episode 13: Baby Loss, Remembering Jasmine Grace with Sarah Cox

Soulful IVF – Episode 8: Finding Hope After Pregnancy & Infant Loss w/ Sarah Cox

Rising Into Mindful Motherhood – Coping with infertility, pregnancy loss, grief & parenting after loss

Breastfeeding Talk – Mom Journey: Breastfeeding After Loss

Unwantedsisterhood – Choosing Hope Over Fear with Sarah