I’m Jamie Massey, 43 years old, live in North Texas and host the Over 40 Fabulous and Pregnant Podcast where we share pregnancy stories of women over 40.
Our journey started in January 2021 after we got married. I lost the first pregnancy early in October of that year and was pregnant the very next cycle! This pregnancy thing was easy… Ha! It was an ectopic pregnancy where I had internal bleeding and was rushed to the OR to remove my tube.
2022 started our IVF journey. They were only able to retrieve 2 eggs, only 1 was mature to fertilize, but no embryo. Our doctor said she’d support us if we wanted to try a second egg retrieval but our best bet was donor eggs. Now what?
Adoption was always on my heart and felt like it opened up possibilities for a family. While looking for a donor, we found out we were pregnant. A miracle that ended in a miscarriage. We found the perfect egg donor and created 2 embryos with 6 frozen donor eggs.
The first transfer was in July of 2023. I got a positive pregnancy test on Day 7. My beta on Day 9 was 43 and on Day 12 was 24. This was a chemical pregnancy.
After healing from that loss, we wanted to do any and everything possible to make sure our last transfer was set up for success. I had a biopsy on my uterus to check for inflammation and bacteria. I didn’t have inflammation, but the lactobacillus was just on the edge of just ok.
The transfer was on October 25, 2023. I got a positive test on Day 6, 7 and 8. My Day 9 beta was 220, and Day 12 Beta was 827. The 6-week and 10-week appointment at the fertility clinic we saw a beautiful heartbeat, our first to see.
The 10-week appointment in December was also the day we graduated from the fertility clinic. I’m due July 2024.

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