In friendships, it is rare for both people to be broken in the same ways at the same time. Our friendship has been remarkably easy to navigate – maybe “easy” is not the right word, but we have understood each other’s challenges on a level beyond what most can understand. Even when that is not the case – even when there are emotions and circumstances that we can’t fully understand, there is something about communication and grief and life that we both profoundly agree with: the idea that whatever you are feeling is real, is valid, and deserves to be witnessed and respected.
The one thing we believe is that, no matter what happens in each of our lives, our friendship is built on something deeper than just us. Our boys brought us together, and they will keep us together even as life changes around us, because we really do believe that there is something deeper than just a normal friendship at work here. We trust our boys. We trust each other.
You can also read Samantha G’s story and Jamala’s story.
Photos taken by Tiffani Marie Photography.
Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.
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absolutely touching and amazing