On January 18, 2021 at 9:30 pm, Magnolia Eloise Abel, our first child, was born as a beautiful, sleeping angel.
She came into this world with her mommy’s nose and her daddy’s long legs. Her sweet eyes and face are a perfect mixture of the both of us.
I remember crying tears of joy when I read that positive pregnancy test, and I surprised my husband with the news that we would be parents on our wedding anniversary the next day.
From that day on, we celebrated every week and watched her grow from the size of a poppy seed to a cantaloupe. Our excitement and love grew just as she did. Our hearts became overjoyed when we found out “it’s a girl!” and we couldn’t wait to meet her.
I carried our first daughter for over 31 weeks; the best 31 weeks of our lives. We don’t know why she left us when she did, but one thing is for sure; she has taught us that love has no boundaries and that Heaven is holding her when we can’t. She has given us both strength that we never knew we had.
We will never forget her beautiful face, how it felt to kiss her cheeks, how at peace she was in our arms. She made us a mommy and a daddy and we already miss her more than words can express.
In the midst of incomprehensible grief and darkness, our hearts were introduced to hope and light as we received the news that Magnolia had sent us her little sister from Heaven, and we anxiously await her earthside arrival.
The hole in our hearts from losing Magnolia will always remain empty until she is in our arms again, and although her sister cannot mend our broken hearts, she will grow and expand them, filling them with so much hope and joy.
Magnolia is our sunshine baby; she brings light into the darkness and we feel her presence in the sunrise and sunset. Losing her felt like a storm as the dark clouds of grief took over. Her sister is our rainbow baby, bringing color back into our sky, only possible by reflection of the sun. We know she is a gift from our Maggie Lou.

Photos taken by Bloom Like Magnolia Photography..
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