Rachel Lohman is the founder of Hope Again Collective. She shares about her miscarriage and how it inspired her to create her jewelry. She hopes the jewelry will serve as a tangible reminder to those who do not have anything tangible to represent their baby.
Rachel also wrote a book called Miscarried Hope: Journeying with Jesus through Pregnancy and Infant Loss.
Rachel’s Instagram

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Episode Transcript
Sarah Cox: [00:00:00] Hello everyone, and thank you for joining me again today for the Finding Hope After Loss podcast. As many of you know, August 22nd was Rainbow Baby Day, and this was a day to celebrate all of the rainbow babies. And I know that many of you likely saw a lot of posts about rainbow babies and people celebrating their babies and.
I mean, it was basically everywhere, all over social media. And for some of you, this was a happy time to celebrate that you do have your rainbow baby. But I know for others that this was a really hard day. Many are still hoping for their rainbow baby or are not able to have another baby for whatever reason.
And I just want you to know that you are seen and that your experience and that your feelings are absolutely valid. I’m all too aware that not everyone gets that quote, happy [00:01:00] ending of a rainbow baby. And even those that do get one doesn’t mean that they have a happy ending. We also have to learn how to move forward with a piece of us always missing.
And I just wanted to take the time to acknowledge those that are still waiting, or those that are unable to have a baby after loss. Remember, I’m always here if you ever need to talk about anything at all. So today I am talking with Rachel from Hope Again Collective. And if you aren’t familiar, she creates pieces of jewelry that she names after lost moms and shares their stories.
She also donates a portion of the proceeds to help lost families. Rachel had a miscarriage during her first pregnancy and she now hopes that the jewelry can serve as a tangible reminder of your baby for those who have nothing tangible to hold. Hello everyone! Today I am here with Rachel who is the founder of the Hope Again [00:02:00] Collective.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Rachel Lohman: Sure. Thanks so much for having me on. Yeah loss became a big part of my story in 2017 when on our journey to becoming parents, my husband and my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and that was just a very blindsiding experience. Like many lost moms, that those statistics are a possibility, but at least for me, anyway, nobody in my immediate social circle had experienced any type of pregnancy or infant loss.
So I just was unaware of what that might look like that it would be part of my story and what to do with it. Since then that has become a really big piece of my heart and wanting to give back to lost moms and wanting to do something in a creative way. And just before the pandemic, I had started just playing around with making clay jewelry on my kitchen counter when I was about eight months pregnant with my daughter, [00:03:00] Eden.
And I never imagined I would end up selling what I was doing. I actually joked and told myself like, I’m not selling this. This is just for a hobby. I’m not going to let it turn into something like a job because then, typically it’s not fun anymore, but much to my surprise, like it just. It spiraled into something, snowballed into something that was really beautiful and purposeful, and so I launched Hope Again Collective in October of 2020.
So I’m coming up on my third year anniversary, and if you’re not familiar with Hope Again Collective, for anyone listening, it’s a handmade jewelry line that tells the stories of lost moms and gives back to practical grief resources for lost moms in our community.
Sarah Cox: I feel like there’s so many like unexpected and random things that have come from the pandemic, like hobbies or things that we all started and it just turns into something.
We all had that free time.
Rachel Lohman: Yes. Yeah, exactly.
Sarah Cox: So what made you decide to name them all after lost moms?
Rachel Lohman: Yeah. [00:04:00] One thing that I had noticed pretty soon after my loss was that there weren’t a lot of safe places. Culturally for lost moms to be able to tell their stories, and I’m sure the power of sharing your story.
It can be such an integral part of someone’s healing journey. And so to feel like I personally felt deprived of that space okay I try to bring this up and talk about it, but I’m getting weird body language or. And this group over here, can’t handle it, whatever it is. But just to know that there were hundreds and thousands of the lost moms who were feeling the same way.
So I thought, what if I could intentionally create a little corner of social media and the internet, where it was designed for exactly that for lost moms to be able to tell their stories and be on that, to have something physical. To remember their angel baby by something I wish I had after my loss was I don’t have any physical mementos.
My loss was early around seven and a half weeks. So there was just [00:05:00] really nothing like we didn’t have a hospital visit. There, there wasn’t a funeral or any of our typical cultural grieving norms. They didn’t apply to my story. When I had that lightbulb moment go off of, Oh, I can make these earrings, which are beautiful, but it can go beyond that.
And they can be like holders of hope for a woman’s story. I was like, I’m going to, I’m going to see if other lost moms, get excited about this too. I think that’s amazing.
Sarah Cox: I love that you’re doing that. I love seeing, who each piece is named after and, seeing all the collections you come up with.
And sometimes it’s hard. I’m like, I need every pair of these. And I think you’re right. It’s really meaningful to, have something that represents your story.
Rachel Lohman: Yes. Yeah, absolutely.
Sarah Cox: And I think especially, like you said, for people who have early losses who have nothing, nothing tangible, no, you may just have a positive pregnancy test or, not even an ultrasound picture or, anything and [00:06:00] doesn’t mean your loss isn’t real.
Rachel Lohman: Yeah. And especially because of the type of loss that we as lost moms experience where we’re still, butting up against groups in our culture who don’t recognize it as real loss to begin with, to not have any of those like traditional breathing tools to, or mementos to be able to remember your baby, it can just add another layer of isolation and complication when it comes to your grief and, questioning it.
Is it valid? Was this real? I just think we as human beings were wired to remember things that really mattered. So yeah, if my earrings can be a small way for women to do that in their stories, then I feel like that’s the purpose.
Sarah Cox: What was the first pair of earrings that you designed?
Rachel Lohman: Oh, good question.
I, I did an initial launch collection, but there wasn’t just one. There were like 14 women in that. And with that, I reached out personally to women that I knew who had experienced a loss. Some people from my church, some people had met on [00:07:00] Instagram family members, friends, and I said, Hey, I’m thinking about doing this.
Thing. Would you mind being a guinea pig for me? Can I design an earring after you? Can you send me a few paragraphs about your story? Can you let me post it on Instagram? Just see what happens. And all the women I asked were graciously on board. And so I had a really like eclectic, awesome mix of women from all different walks of loss that I was able to highlight.
In that first collection. I don’t really think there was any like palette color palette cohesion or anything like that. When I look back, I’m like, Oh, wow. I thought these were good at the time and they still are cute, it’s an artist, your craft evolve. And yeah, that’s something that I’ve really enjoyed doing is the ongoing process of creating.
Sarah Cox: Where do you come up with your ideas? Like for the collections?
Rachel Lohman: Yeah. People frequently ask me, do you ever run out of designs and the answer has been no. Some days I [00:08:00] can I would say sit down, but I stand when I make all my hearings. I stand in on my hallway in my hallway. I have this high top counter and that’s where I work.
Some days it’s a little harder to get things working. I’m like, I put different shapes together. I’m like, oh, that just doesn’t look right. And then other days if I can really get in the zone, it’s just it just goes. And that’s when it’s so fun to create. What I’ve found is most helpful for the way that my brain works is to go in color palettes based on seasonal collections.
So like right now, actually, after we’re done recording, I’m going to start working on the next collection. Looking at fall stuff and winter things like that. So it helps if I have a couple base colors in mind. And then if I just look at, what kind of styles are trending right now, like huggies are super popular right now, but is it big statement pieces or do I think studs would be better for a collection?
And then I just go from there and try to get a variety of all different styles so that anyone who comes on my shop to support a will be able to find something [00:09:00] that. Grabs your attention.
Sarah Cox: It’s so interesting to hear about the, the design process behind everything, because you make it look so easy, but you never see like all the behind the scenes work that you’re doing.
Rachel Lohman: I’m sure I should post more of my struggles and maybe I should be like, I’m stuck today. Or I mix this, these two colors together and it came out looking like poop brown or something. The waste which happens, that’s the other thing is of the fun mysteries of it is the color mixing.
I some makers, will have their clay recipes portioned out exactly so that they know how to duplicate it. I don’t work that way. I kind of eyeball everything I do. And so sometimes if I do a pinch, like too much of a certain color, like one batch won’t quite identically match the batch that I baked before.
But I that because and I tell people that on my website, like these earrings, it’s going to be very rare if they’re identical, two pairs together. So that just adds some character, I feel like.
Sarah Cox: So do you have like a favorite [00:10:00] thing that you’ve designed, like a favorite pair?
Rachel Lohman: I would say one of my favorite pairs that I’ve designed It just happened.
Not accidentally, but I was just playing around with combining different shapes. Was this angel baby legacy pair? And it’s a really pretty white pedal drop shape. And to some people, it looks like a feather to some people. It looks like an angel wing and it has a longer gold post at the top of it.
So it’s a really elegant, like neutral combination. And that one surprised me. And I really love how elegant it looks on and it’s a classic, it’s a staple that I’ve been caring for close to a year and intend to keep caring. So sometimes the really creative out there ones can be a lot of fun, but they may not sell as well because they’re too bold or too dramatic, whatever it is.
But those neutrals time and time again, they tend to do really well and I love how they can just go with anything.
Sarah Cox: So did you find that there were any particular things that helped you with your grief after going through your loss?
Rachel Lohman: [00:11:00] Yeah. For me, I would say it was really honest communication after my loss, because I was feeling a lot of things, especially in terms of my faith that I had not wrestled with before.
The interesting thing was I was working as a pastor at a local church at the time of my loss. So I felt like there was this added layer of, Confusion when it came to my faith, because I would be sitting with people listening to them share their faith struggles or where they’re at with God and advising or counseling.
But when I would go home, I was just crying out to God, not understanding, angry at him, not sure how I could reconcile. Like God being a good God, but taking this dream of motherhood, what felt like away from me and my husband. So it was a season of a lot of wrestling with my faith. And what was most helpful for me was [00:12:00] to keep engaging to keep journaling, to keep praying, to keep having honest conversations with my husband about how he was feeling talking with my therapist, who was also a mom.
Just trying to be as honest as I could about what I was feeling. And sometimes the hardest person to be honest with about your feelings is yourself. And I’m just continually being intentional about that ended up being the most helpful thing that I could do in the long run for my healing.
Sarah Cox: And you are also coming out with a book, is that right?
Rachel Lohman: Yes. Yeah. Actually, my book just released yesterday. So I’m really excited that this labor of love is out into the world. It’s called miscarried hope. It’s about journeying with Jesus through pregnancy and infant loss. And what inspired this really was feeling the need for something.
For me to turn to personally in my own grief, that would help me address those deeper questions of doubt and as I wrestled through my faith, as I just was sharing [00:13:00] and thankfully, as you probably observed to there is more awareness and more resources coming out to support lost moms in our community.
But I would still say by and large. Compared to other grief resources, we still have a long way to go. So I’m really hopeful that my book will be able to help moms walking through pregnancy and infant loss identify the full extent of their losses, all those secondary losses that are really easy to just brush under the rug or not know what to do with and be able to address their relationships, everything, as that’s impacted by loss but especially their faith.
Sarah Cox: I know that’s something a lot of people struggle with after loss. And I know I struggled with it too. Like you were saying I was very angry and, very like, how could you let this happen? And, I know it’s something a lot of people definitely struggle with. So I think.
That’ll be really helpful for so many people.
Rachel Lohman: Thanks. Yeah, I I wanted to, before I started writing this book, survey lost [00:14:00] moms to make sure I’m not just writing out of my own experience as I put these words to paper. And so one of the really helpful things I did A year and a half ago was I surveyed 400 women who had experienced pregnancy or infant loss and just being able to see the trends and to see, man, this is a strong contingent of women who are all feeling the same way or all feeling unsupported in this area.
That was very helpful to inform my writing. And so I have woven in that research into my writing. Just like we were talking about, I have, I’d asked women. Who I surveyed if their loss negatively or positively impacted their relationship with God. And 38 percent of women said that their loss has had a negative impact on their faith.
Which I found to be really interesting. Some lost moms, there was a group, I would say the majority, who said it didn’t really have any impact, so they felt like it was neutral. And then some women, much to my surprise, although I would probably answer this question the same [00:15:00] way now being six years post loss was that in hindsight or looking back their loss ended up having a positive or strengthening impact on their faith.
So I’m just really hopeful that this research will help women feel less alone and whatever they’re feeling in the group journey.
Sarah Cox: I love that you did the, the research behind it and the polling of all the other lost moms. I like research.
I like seeing statistics. So I find all of that really interesting.
And for me, I guess I kind of wonder if like the ones who had the positive impact, if that was like an immediate positive impact, or if it was like a negative impact that then became positive. later on.
Rachel Lohman: Exactly. Yeah.
Sarah Cox: So do you think that your book is for all types of lost moms, like moms who have been through every type of loss?
Rachel Lohman: Yes. Yeah. That has been my lens that I’ve been writing through. So I know that I can’t speak personally to every lost mom’s experience. So what I tried to be intentional [00:16:00] about was there’s a just under 20 other lost moms who have snippets of their stories featured in my book. Cause I know I want to learn from a mom who has had infertility as part of her journey.
I want to learn from a mom who has had stillbirth as part of her journey or all of the other different experiences within this broader category. That can speak to moms who’ve gone through loss. Yeah, the short answer to your question is yes, absolutely. That has been my heart. That’s been my hope and in the areas where I couldn’t particularly address those types of loss.
I pulled from other moms stories who could speak into it.
Sarah Cox: So after your loss, did you find yourself sharing your story or were you more private, like more immediately after your loss.
Rachel Lohman: It took me probably about a month or two until I felt ready to share. Ironically enough, social media was the first place I shared my story.
And then the first time I shared it publicly where I could see other [00:17:00] people’s reactions which is a whole different experience as I actually was giving the message at my church on a Sunday morning during service. And. I was preaching on it was something on the topic of walking in vulnerability and honesty because we were doing a series on emotional health and it ended up fitting perfectly that I was able to share a very practical, personal story to that same point.
And that was That was an experience that was out of my comfort zone. Definitely. And I got interesting reactions as you would imagine, you get the platitudes, you get the cliches, you get the phrases that are well meaning, but not helpful. But probably what stuck with me the most after that was having women come up to me who were older, sixties, seventies, some in their eighties and say, I have lost as part of my story too, and I’ve held this for decades and it [00:18:00] wasn’t acceptable to talk about this, when I was in my twenties or thirties, and I even had one woman who said, I’ve never told this to anybody else and she was in her seventies and the heartbreak of that moment.
Just later would be confirmed by the fact that even today we’ve gone a long way, but there are still so many women who don’t feel like they have permission or a safe place to talk about their loss.
Sarah Cox: Yeah, I find that one of the hardest things that I, come across as people who tell me that, they didn’t.
have support from people they don’t feel like they can ever share. They don’t feel like they have anybody to talk to and certain people who have come from other countries where they just don’t talk about it.
Rachel Lohman: Absolutely. Yeah.
Sarah Cox: Did you find the Instagram community, like the last community after your loss or was it later that you got involved with that?
Rachel Lohman: It was later. It was later. I what ended up half [00:19:00] happening after I shared about our loss on Instagram was I had a few women reach out to me then, or in the months later, who ended up having miscarriages and Saying, Hey, finding themselves in a similar boat. I don’t know anyone personally either. Do you want to grab coffee?
And there were a couple of women who lived in my area. So that worked out. So in some ways it was the start of a little community that was really personal and was really helpful, but no, I had no idea that this amazing community of lost mom accounts and. Nonprofits and organizations and people like yourself existed until I started hope again.
Sarah Cox: Yeah, that was the same for me. I, after we lost Jasmine, I didn’t I didn’t find it all until yeah, like several months later, I was like, man, I wish I had this sooner. Cause there’s so many amazing people with amazing ideas and. Amazing things they’ve started. And, so many of us just don’t find it until [00:20:00] like way later.
Rachel Lohman: Exactly. Yeah. And I’m hopeful that because social media is so much more prevalent, even by the year now, that more lost moms will be stumbling upon our pages, I don’t think they have the search by topic option years back or they have other tools that are just hopefully easier for us to be able to connect with moms who are in the thick of loss and really needing that hope and help.
Sarah Cox: Although I have to admit I’m annoyed at Instagram for some of the ways they change things around and make it hard to find things lately. I’m like, I can’t even find people now.
Rachel Lohman: It’s an ongoing annoyance.
Sarah Cox: So when you were going through your pregnancy after loss, Was that a hard experience for you?
Rachel Lohman: Oh, yeah. Pregnancy after a loss. I’ve been pregnant after a loss twice. And the first time with my son we did get pregnant fairly soon after the miscarriage, thankfully. But yeah, just walking and holding that anxiety, holding your [00:21:00] breath, really, for so many months.
Anybody who’s been pregnant after loss knows just the challenge of walking through that. And really what I’ve come to see is like the vulnerability of that, the courage of that, to even say I’m willing to put myself in a situation to dream again for something that has the potential to, to break my heart.
And yeah, so I just, I’m constantly so encouraged by the other lost mom accounts that I come across who are sharing and open about their journey. And it’s just, that’s, it’s such a brave thing. As to walk through pregnancy after loss so hard. Yeah.
Sarah Cox: I agree. I don’t think anybody would ever say it’s easy for sure.
It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Like every day it’s I lost this one too. It’s just yeah, one of the hardest things I’ve ever done is just like all I can say about it, but it is, it’s [00:22:00] definitely, even just deciding that you’re going to try again is like a brave thing to do in my opinion, just making that choice to stay hopeful.
Rachel Lohman: Exactly. Yeah. And then processing through some of the grief that comes with the experience, not feeling like what you think it should feel like like you’re saying that excitement initially, all of the feelings that we see other moms experience who haven’t had lost as part of their story. They’re, they have elevated levels of excitement or being able to embrace it or post about it or whatever it is.
And you’re like, ah, I wish that I didn’t have, these things that held me back from embracing those feelings. And so you wrestle with that too, for nine months which is really hard as well.
Sarah Cox: Do you plan to talk about your loss at all with your living children?
Rachel Lohman: Yeah. And I’ve tried to do things in age appropriate ways, even now to make them aware of the fact that they have another sibling.
[00:23:00] So like some simple things that we do at Christmas time, I put out a little mini stocking for our angel baby and early on, they just thought it was for like the dog or something, but as my son, who’s now five and a half has gotten older and I’ll say, who’s that for again, and we have a conversation about it.
And on the anniversary of our baby’s passing. We light a candle. And I let the kids, hold the candle for a little bit and ask questions. So they’re not quite an age to fully grasp it, but I do think it is something that will be important to me to be able to let them know Hey, loss is a part of life.
This isn’t going to be the first time that you’ll experience loss, but if I can. Again, in an age appropriate way, introduce them to that and let them know that choosing hope is still possible and that grieving in and acknowledging your feelings is okay that those are just things that I wasn’t, I didn’t have at an early age.
And so I see them. [00:24:00]
Sarah Cox: And I love that you do that, that you’re already at their age, exposing them to it. And, I think it’s hard sometimes because we want to shelter them from like death and from, grief and all of that. But I think it’s good that they, Grow up learning about it because it’s something we all are going to face at some point.
Rachel Lohman: Yeah, it’s definitely a balancing act that requires like wisdom and, discernment as you go. But yeah hopefully as they age, we’ll be able to have more honest conversations about that.
Sarah Cox: Have you found that your grief has changed over time?
Rachel Lohman: Yeah, I have and I’ve also been surprised by it as time has gone on.
I felt like I was in a manageable place with my grief, probably like four years out. Okay I don’t really think there’s going to be anything surprising or anything new. This seems to be something that like I can recognize as part of my past. It’s not necessarily affecting my daily living anymore, whereas it used to.
But then at the five year mark, [00:25:00] I was very surprised and hit by a pretty powerful experience with grief that, that really caught me off guard. I carried like this feeling of sadness in my body for a few days leading up to the To that date of May 28th and it took me probably two days to be like, why am I feeling sad?
Like a sadness in my body. And then it clicked Oh, Yeah, I’m coming up on May 28th and for whatever reason this year, my body is reminding me of the sadness. It’s carrying the sadness more. I’m feeling it more and it felt a little debilitating for a few days. So that was interesting and surprising, but yeah, by and large, I would say I’m at a place now where I can see.
How the grief has shaped me in positive aspects like how I am different because of going [00:26:00] through loss and to be thankful as weird as that sounds that I’ve Transcribed I’ve been able to walk through something like that. I never would want it to be that way. And I never want that to be something I have to walk through again, you, you can’t get to that place.
You do get to that place maybe with time where it’s I’m more empathetic towards other people’s pain now. And I see the world differently now because of what I walked through and I’m thankful for that new perspective.
Sarah Cox: This year actually was five years since we lost Jasmine and I found that this year hit me really hard too.
And for me, I think it’s because she would have been starting kindergarten. And I think that it’s like those years are just like those big milestones that just make you so much more aware of what you’ve lost. That’s just my experience. Anyways, some years just hit really hard.
Rachel Lohman: Yeah, that’s interesting and hopeful to hear.
It wasn’t just me on the side.
Sarah Cox: I [00:27:00] know. And I was, like you like I find that sometimes the days leading up to the day are a lot harder for me than like the day itself.
Rachel Lohman: It’s like the anticipation of it. And then once you get past it, it’s Oh, I made it like, even though you’re so sad, It’s like you made that hurdle and you’re maybe even carrying a little bit of anxiety because you’re concerned or worried about what’s the actual day going to feel like.
And so it’s that anticipatory anxiety or whatever it is that, yeah, like you said, it can really get you.
Sarah Cox: So are there any like particular aspects of loss that you think need more attention besides just like talking about loss more in general?
Rachel Lohman: Totally. Yeah. One thing that I was talking through with a friend years ago that became a large piece of my book was my friend Renee and I, We’re talking about the stages of grief and she’s these stages of grief are well known, but nobody talks about [00:28:00] the stages of hope.
And that was such a light bulb moment for me because she put words to the journey that I feel like I’ve been on. What does it look like to hold hope again after you’ve been through a loss that really just rips all the hope right out of your heart? And My book is actually broken down into sections that explore what I’ve coined as the five stages of hope, what it looks like to walk on a journey that not only has pieces of grief in it and stages of grief, but also has stages of hope.
And Yeah, I would, I’m excited for and would love more conversation in the lost community around how it looks to recover hope and of course, like nobody ever fully loses hope. Like it may feel like it’s completely gone, but hope is what gets us out of bed every morning. It’s the oxygen to your soul, but after loss, it can sure feel like.
All hope is just gone and hope feels [00:29:00] scary. Again. You have such a changed relationship with hope and many of us struggle with trust issues with hope and feeling like, am I safe to dream again? Is it okay to think about my future and be excited? What does all of that look like? So I I love having conversations and just thinking through the conversations of hope, what hope looks like after loss.
Sarah Cox: And I imagine that has a little bit to do with the name of your business to the hope again. Yeah.
Rachel Lohman: Yeah, you can tell it’s always been an important piece to me.
Sarah Cox: Yeah, I definitely agree with you there. It’s been hard to, to trust again. Like after, after you go through that, it’s I want to be hopeful, but I’ve been burned before.
Rachel Lohman: Absolutely. Yeah. And one of the books that I read this year that really put some helpful language to all of that is called what if it’s wonderful by Nicole Zasowski. And she’s a therapist and she’s also a loss [00:30:00] mom. And Nicole was able to put language for me for the first time to what we do to protect our hearts against future, what we perceive as future hurt.
And she has research that backs it up and says Hey, like essentially putting guards up around your heart or not dreaming or not hoping towards something doesn’t actually make the pain any less. If it ends up going that disappointing way. And so she poses the question even if it’s scary, even after loss, even if you’ve been burned before, what if this time it’s wonderful.
And so I would highly recommend that book to anybody who’s what does it look like practically? To hope again, when I have trust issues with hope, when I want to guard myself, when it’s easier to remain cynical or just close yourself off from dreaming again, which is a hard place to be.
That book was very helpful for me in that conversation.
Sarah Cox: I definitely want to look that up and read that. That sounds [00:31:00] like a really good book for so many of us. Yeah. Do you have any advice for somebody who is newly going through a loss?
Rachel Lohman: Yeah, my advice to somebody who’s going through a loss would be to find a way to tell your story. And that doesn’t mean Doing it publicly necessarily for all of us. That doesn’t mean getting on an Instagram live and talking it out. If that’s not the way that you feel comfortable communicating, it could be as simple as you writing it out in detail in a journal that nobody ever sees.
It could mean writing a letter to your baby that you just tuck away and seal in an envelope and you reopen years later. But I think that there is something so powerful to owning this piece of your story because this story is going to stay with you. And it’s part of who you are now. This baby is part of your life and part of your life story.
So to be able To write it [00:32:00] down to get those feelings that feel so confusing and twisted and layered from inside your head and onto paper. I’ve just found that to be so helpful, so healing, so clarifying, so freeing. And so that, that would be my advice to a mom who’s going through loss right now.
Find some method that works for you to tell your story.
Sarah Cox: So is there anything else that you’d to share?
Rachel Lohman: Yeah, I I would encourage any mom who’s walking through loss. If you’re a reader, if you want to learn, grab a copy of my book. And I would love to hear your thoughts and your feedback and maybe give it to a friend who is going through loss or has lost a part of her story.
But yeah, the main thing that I would leave with any lost mom watching this right now is that it’s okay to talk about and dream about hope again for your future. And that doesn’t mean that you’re forgetting your loss or you’re done grieving your baby. It’s the delicate balance of [00:33:00] holding both and you deserve to feel hope again in your future.
And so I am holding hope for you today.
Sarah Cox: So if people want to get a copy of your book, where do they get it?
Rachel Lohman: Yeah. It’s available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, any major book retailer. I also have a link to it on my website at hope again, collective. com.
Sarah Cox: I want to thank you so much for coming on today and sharing a little bit about your story and all the amazing things you’re doing for other lost moms.
Rachel Lohman: Thanks so much for your time and for having me on Sarah.
Sarah Cox: Thank you so much, Rachel, for sharing your story with us and all about your amazing business. I think what you’re doing for the lost community is just amazing. That’s something I love so much about all the lost moms and dads I have met. Everyone is doing something just a little different to help others in the lost community.
There are some who have started businesses, some that are reaching out to hospitals, providing resources miscarriage boxes, [00:34:00] resources, some that have started non profits, and some that just simply help other people share their stories. There’s just so many different ways and different things that you can do to honor our babies.
And each of us has something unique to offer. Even if we’re doing something that is similar in idea, we may execute it in a different way. And I think that this is just what makes the last community so amazing. And I do want to stress to you that you don’t have to do something that you feel is grand or large in order to honor your baby.
You honestly don’t have to do anything at all. You don’t even have to grieve publicly or share your story publicly. Simply continuing to keep your baby’s memory alive is honoring them. Continuing to say their name, celebrating their birthday or their due date. Even just the things that you may see as little things, those are honoring your [00:35:00] baby.
I just know that sometimes, we feel we don’t do enough, and I know I’m guilty of that as well. But I promise you that you are. Don’t let those not good enough feelings take over. Our babies know that we love them. Our babies know how much we miss them, and how much we think about them. And you are doing amazing.
You are enough. I just always want to remind you of that, and I always want you to remember that. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any future episodes. Thank you so much for tuning in, and remember, we are all in this together.