Our story started June 2021. That was the first time we found out we were pregnant then a week later I had a miscarriage. I was 5 and a half weeks pregnant and I lost that baby on the 4th of July.
I found out I was pregnant in November. I was able to to see my baby in an early ultrasound. Then a little over 9 weeks pregnant I had another miscarriage on Christmas morning. My husband and I decided to take a couple of months to ourselves before trying again.
We then became pregnant in March of 2022. After the two babies I lost previously I had my guard up in the beginning of my pregnancy. After I made it through the first trimester I started to let myself enjoy being pregnant. My husband and I found out we were having a baby girl. We decided to name her after each of our grandmothers, Leonie Vera.
My pregnancy was uneventful. Then on the morning of August 24th at 24 weeks and 4 days pregnant I woke up to cramping and heavy bleeding. We rushed to the ER where we were eventually told that I needed to have an emergency c section.
Then at 10:14 am Leonie Vera entered the world. We heard her cry right before the doctors took her to be intubated. The doctors told us they were cautiously optimistic for her. The following afternoon Leonie’s vitals started to decline and we were told she wasn’t going to make it.
At 7:20 pm on August 25th we said goodbye to our baby girl Leonie. We haven’t gotten many concrete answers on what exactly happened. Not having answers isn’t easy but not having our little Leonie with us is an unimaginable pain I never knew I could live through. I’m taking one day at a time for my daughter.
We started trying again around the 6 month mark. Trying to get pregnant after losses wasn’t easy. We did finally get some good news in August. Right before Leonie’s first birthday we found out we were pregnant. I am pregnant with another baby girl.
This PAL journey isn’t easy all I want to do is fast forward to meeting this baby. It’s hard taking it one day at a time. I’m hopeful that we will meet her at the end of March.
Photos taken by Ashley Richer.
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