Krystal’s Story

Entering Motherhood 

My journey to motherhood seemingly began pretty quickly, but the innocence of being a first time mom was taken from me. In January 2021, I was shocked to find out that I was expecting my first baby. I was thrilled but also terrified of the unknown. As the months went on, it continued to feel surreal.

We found out pretty early that we were having a boy. My husband and I were elated, and the name was a no brainer as we had the perfect name chosen for a boy: Caelan. The months continued and by the time I knew it, summer was just around the corner (I’m a teacher), and I was excited to have a few months to relax and nest before returning to work for a month until Caelan would arrive.

Those plans were ruined when I woke up on my last day of the school year in a panic. I just knew he was gone. I didn’t have any bleeding or cramping, but my mama heart knew my baby was gone. Knowing that I had an OB appointment that day, I figured I would wait it out rather than going into emerge. My routine in-and-out 15 minute appointment was painstakingly long, waiting 45 minutes to see my doctor (she was taking an emergency call). Having to wait longer than normal to hear the inevitable felt even more cruel.

My doctor couldn’t find the heartbeat and after 5 minutes of trying, she sent me to an ultrasound place in the same building downstairs. They took me in right away, and the silence of the room felt so lonely. I worked up the courage to ask “do you see my baby? Is he alive?” The tech was so compassionate and so kind, and she whispered so caringly “I’m so sorry, but he’s not.” She offered me a hug and tissues, and left briefly to call my doctor back. I went back upstairs to my dr’s office where she consoled me and asked to give me information about next steps, but all I wanted to do was run home to my husband and melt in his arms. She agreed to call me the following morning to further discuss my delivery of Caelan.

The drive home felt so blurry, literally sobbing on the way home knowing that my husband was waiting and probably equally as concerned as I was since I had not given him the news yet, it didn’t feel right to tell him over the phone. The moments upon arriving home, as well as the weeks and months that followed felt so heavy and hopeless as we tried to find the will to survive and carry on. Caelan arrived stillborn on July 1, 2021. I will never forget that day. Although grieving our first baby was extremely unfair and difficult, my husband and I stuck together and truly exemplified a solid foundation of love. 

Trying again & expecting our rainbow 

With an official diagnosis of a true knot in the cord, we were assured that we could try again whenever we were ready. My husband and I decided that we wanted to try again right away. We were blessed just a few months later with the pregnancy of who was to become our daughter. Although those 9 months were terrifying and emotional, it was entirely worth it to have our rainbow arrive in June of 2022. 

Surprise – our third baby! 

In June of 2023, shortly after celebrating our daughter’s first birthday, I was shocked to realize my period was a week late. I thought to myself, wow I better take a pregnancy test just in case. Sure enough, I was in fact pregnant. I was so excited, and knowing I had a “successful” live birth reassured me that things could turn out pretty amazing, and maybe it was just extremely bad luck with losing Caelan. I felt so sick the entire summer, but I kept trucking along knowing it would be worth it for baby.

After our 12 week ultrasound we announced my pregnancy, with pictures of my daughter in a “Big sister” onesie and big pink balloons that said the same. Unfortunately, at my next appointment (15 weeks) my OB couldn’t find the heartbeat, and after being assured the baby is still small, she sent me down to ultrasound again “just incase.” This time, I didn’t have a gut wrenching feeling or anything, I had been telling myself affirmations and working on breathing exercises to regulate my emotions. So it came as a shock to me when the ultrasound tech wouldn’t share any information, and I immediately realized that I was yet again losing another baby. I begged “can you just tell me, please.” But was told that the tech wasn’t able to give me any information.

Unfortunately my doctor had left her office in the meantime, but she called me over the phone at the ultrasound office to share with me that my baby’s heart did in fact stop beating. I had to return in the morning to discuss a D&C. On September 21, 2023 I had my D&C. I feel like I handled this loss a lot harder than my first, I just couldn’t understand why me again. After 4 months of grieving through therapy, yoga, and other outlets to try to heal, I realized I was in a deep depression, and started anti-depressants to help me regulate. 

Digging deep to try one last time 

My husband and I decided that we would give this one last shot, and hope to God we could have one more living child. We always thought we’d have many children together, but never anticipated that loss would play such a large part of our journey. Although it took us longer this time around, we found out I was pregnant again in March of 2024. With fear of losing another baby I continued to access resources to help me stay afloat, and I can say I have a new found hope that has emerged through my healing this time around.

We are expecting this next baby in December, I officially have my scheduled c-section date and I am feeling so hopeful and even excited as I enter week 29 of my pregnancy. My husband, my living and heavenly babies and I will close this chapter of “trying” and move into a space of living in our new reality with the dynamic we have been given in life, including the heaviness of loss. 

If you’re searching for your rainbow, don’t lose hope. Although I can’t guarantee everyone will get their rainbow, the chance that you could is such a worthwhile endeavour. 

Photo taken by Snapping Snape’s Photography.

Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.

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