My husband and I got pregnant very easily five months after we were married. It was a very complicated pregnancy. I was placed on high risk at 20 weeks. We delivered a healthy baby boy in October 2016.
At the beginning of 2018, we decided it was time to add another baby to the family. That pregnancy journey was hard from the beginning. It took two in a half years and lots of doses of Clomid and Femara to get pregnant with our second addition in the fall of 2020. Everything was going accordingly. On March 30th 2021, 10 days after we found out our second addition was a boy, I started having contractions at 22 weeks while at work. I waited an hour in a half until I went to the bathroom to find my pants were covered in blood. I immediately left work and drove myself to the hospital 40 minutes away.
When I got to the hospital, the nurse asked for a urine sample which I happily obliged considering I had to pee one minute after I left work. I couldn’t pee, so I pushed hard. That’s when the contractions sped up. I paged the nurse to let her know that something was wrong. She called the doctor in and he raised the sheets and could see that the baby was coming. He immediately looked at me and said, “I’m sorry but there’s no life saving capabilities at this point.” I told my husband not to come to the hospital because I was hoping that it wasn’t the worse case scenario. The nurse used my phone to call my husband to tell him to get to the hospital as safely and fast as possible. We live 40 minutes from the hospital and I think he was there in 15. As soon as he got there, I was told to push. Our beautiful baby boy, Kanaan Drake Hawes was born at 14 ounces still breathing. We got to spend an hour in a half with him before he finally passed. The autopsy came as chorioamniotosis. My doctor said it was textbook bacterial infection that passed through the cervix to the amniotic fluid and caused premature labor. I could have had this bacteria in me before or during pregnancy. They don’t how or why it’s caused. That was devastating to tell our 5 year old, that was so excited to become a big brother, that his baby brother had passed away.
It took a year after losing Kanaan until we decided to start “trying” again. After seeing a Mercier Therapist twice, I got my positive pregnancy test that I yearned for. At our 20 week anatomy scan, I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix. The next day I was rushed in for an emergency cervical cerclage procedure. The high risk doctor told me that this was the beginning of losing this baby like Kanaan if we didn’t do this procedure. I’ve held my breath everyday with this pregnancy with the hopes that this pregnancy is so much smoother than my previous two. We just can’t wait to hold this baby girl in our arms as she will complete our family

Photos taken by LM Snapshots.
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