My fiancé and I have been trying to conceive naturally for nearly 7 years.
In the fall of 2022, we started our IVF journey.
December 9th we had our first embryo transfer. Little did I know, it was my perfect angel in the making. I struggled often from subchorionic hematomas with bleeding starting at 5 weeks periodically until I gave birth. I was a cardiac nurse at the time and did chest compression twice one week, noticed bleeding and OB instructed me to be off of work at that point.
When I reached 22 weeks I had woken up to a very heavy bleed with very large clots. We went to L&D, had to be life flighted to another hospital that could potentially save 22 week babies and was confirmed to be having a placenta abruption. I was on strict bedrest for 5 days and on a magnesium drip (if you know, you know how awful that medication feels) and 3 blood transfusions in the process.
I gave birth via emergency C section on 4/26/2023 and unfortunately my sweet, sweet Victoria Rene passed away in my arms 11 hours later. She was such a fighter. I spent the rest of 2023 mourning and grieving hard. Mentally I just was not there, I felt so empty and alone in my thoughts even though I had the best support system I can as for.
We tried another embryo transfer January 2024 and it was not successful.
We tried again March 2024 and we are blessed with our rainbow babe! We are thrilled!! Pregnancy after loss can be so hard sometimes but I just keep telling myself “New pregnancy, New outcome.” Everyday is a win that I am still pregnant.
We will have OB and MFM in our corner and a scheduled C section at 37 weeks, the week before Thanksgiving. The holidays are going to be the sweetest this year!

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