Our Journey to our Rainbow
In the fall of 2018 my then boyfriend and I had a discussion about starting a family. I gave him an ultimatum that we didn’t have to get married right then and there but if we wanted kids we’d need to start asap since I was already 38 years old and I wanted to be the youngest mom I could be..
On New Year’s Day I discovered I was pregnant. I was thrilled. Found out my best friend was pregnant too and was so excited! I had my first appt and heard the heartbeat! Wilson went with me to the 8wk appt and we found out there was no heartbeat and we were miscarrying. We were devastated.
The loss of that sweet baby was crippling. I barely functioned for a few months trying to come to terms with the loss. We decided to elope, which was a nice distraction from the heartbreak. We decided to try again and after a few months of trying my OB suggested we see a fertility doctor because of my age and previous miscarriage.
That doctor recommended IVF. We couldn’t afford that so we decided to go the IUI route. After 4 failed IUIs we decided to try a new clinic. That clinic did testing the first one never even mentioned. Turned out I had one fully blocked fallopian tube and one partially blocked tube so IVF would be necessary to conceive. We decided to proceed in that direction and drained my 401k and put the rest on 5 credit cards.
When we were about to start prepping for IVF I got pregnant again! I miscarried before I even had the first appt. By then we had started Cookie Nookie to try to help pay for IVF and I buried myself in that not fully processing that second loss. We completed the egg retrieval and got two normal PGT tested embryos. We ended up switching doctors mid IVF cycle because my gut told me I wasn’t getting the care I should have been getting.
We asked the new doctor to choose between the two identically graded babies and that first transfer of our first IVF cycle worked! We were cautiously optimistic. I had extremely heavy bleeding at weeks 6 and 7 and was convinced I was miscarrying. But it ended with a healthy beautiful joyful sunshine-y rainbow baby boy we named Cameron Mei-Lun (which means beautiful or magnificent in Chinese). He will be 3 in February and is absolutely everything we could have dreamed of and so much more. The most breathtaking rainbow.
Photos taken by Jan Angeline.
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