Denise A’s Story

My name is Denise. I have a 5 year old and in 2022 my husband and I were trying for our second baby we got pregnant Sept 2023 my due date was May 2023.

All pregnancy was normal and smooth not until 34 weeks. I started spotting and contractions my Ob told me it was normal and totally ignored my pleadings for help.

I went in to labor and delivery they didn’t check me, only did a vaginal swab they sent me home.

Around 37 weeks I noticed less movement I mentioned it to my Ob once again she said that I wasn’t supposed to feel my baby.

38 weeks I went in to labor and delivery and my sweet baby boy Angel Caleb was born asleep May 21,2023. The mourning of my loss not only impacted me but my son Abraham. He cries for his baby brother up to this day he questions if he’s coming back.

After so much confusion of pain on our whole family’s life’s, on August 2023 we were blessed to know I am pregnant with Adilene Hope. She’s also due in May 2024. She’s our sign of hope for better days of happiness, and learning to love snd welcome healing, while grieving our special peace of heaven Angel Caleb.

Denise wears the rainbow skirt. She stands on the sand of a beach with the water in the background.

Denise wears the rainbow skirt. She stands on the sand of a beach with the water in the background.

Denise wears the rainbow skirt. She stands on the sand of a beach with the water in the background. Her son stands next toher, holding a stuffed elephant.

Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.

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