Christmas Day 2021, we received the best gift ever! A positive pregnancy test. We were pregnant with our 3rd and so very excited!
Our previous 2 pregnancies with our boys were absolutely flawless without any issues and so far this one was following the exact same path, baby’s heart rate was consistently 130BPM, 9 week ultrasound looked wonderful and we started to announce to close family and friends that we were expecting. Our boys were so excited!!
At 20 weeks we went for our anatomy scan, baby looked amazing, was in 50th percentile and we found out we were expecting a GIRL!! We were over the moon and decided to reveal the gender at Easter! Everyone was so excited!
May 23rd 2022, at 25 weeks pregnant, it was Victoria Day, I woke up and met up with my family for some community garage sales, I don’t remember feeling Kinley moving, but figured I was busy and just didn’t remember feeling her, that evening I spent most of the night waiting for movements, I felt a few flutters and pushed those worries out of my mind. The next day I woke up and had a gut feeling something was wrong, I again waited to feel movement and didn’t feel anything. I met my midwife at the hospital and after 2 ultrasounds, it was confirmed, Kinley had passed and had no heartbeat. This began a heart wrenching 24 hours of induction and saying goodbye to our baby girl. Kinley Rose was born May 25th 2022, weighing 1lb 6oz.
We knew we wanted to try again, and on July 11th 2023, we got another positive! This time, we were a lot more apprehensive and a positive came with more anxiety than excitement. So far, this pregnancy has again been flawless other than some concerns with Placenta Previa. We are in our final trimester and so excited for a rainbow baby boy to enter this world!

Photos taken by Red Suitcase Photography.
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