Blighted Ovum Miscarriage: What to Expect

If you have recently been diagnosed with a blighted ovum, you may be feeling confused or scared and alone. You are not alone. A blighted ovum is a type of early pregnancy loss that usually happens in the first few weeks of pregnancy. This type of loss is not talked about as often as other losses, such as miscarriages and stillbirths. In this blog post, we will discuss what to expect during a blighted ovum miscarriage. We will provide information on a blighted ovum miscarriage and what to expect. We will also cover tips for coping with this difficult experience.

The important thing to remember is that a blighted ovum is still a pregnancy loss. A pregnancy loss can be heartbreaking for anyone, especially if you have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. You cannot help but get excited the moment you first see that positive result on a home pregnancy test. Loss is not your fault and you did nothing to cause the loss. It is okay to let yourself grieve and be sad over this loss. Be sure to speak with your healthcare provider about any questions and concerns you have.

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What Is A Blighted Ovum?

A blighted ovum is also known as an anembryonic pregnancy or anembryonic gestation. It is a type of miscarriage that occurs when the fetus fails to develop properly in the womb. The fertilized egg develops normally, but the embryo stops growing very early in the pregnancy. This is often due to chromosomal abnormalities or defects in the embryo that prevent it from developing properly. It can also be a form of a missed miscarriage, as the embryo may stop growing and there may be no signs of a miscarriage.

This can be a devastating diagnosis for many women. It may come as a surprise and leave them feeling confused and scared. You will still get a positive pregnancy test, as your body does still produce pregnancy hormones with this type of pregnancy. However, an ultrasound test will reveal that there is no sign of a fetus in the uterus. This usually occurs during the first ultrasound in the first trimester.

Is A Blighted Ovum The Same As An Ectopic Pregnancy?

A blighted ovum is not the same as an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg attaches somewhere outside of the uterus, such as in the fallopian tube. Although it can be difficult to tell the difference between a blighted ovum and an ectopic pregnancy at first, there are some signs that help determine if your blighted ovum miscarriage was actually an ectopic pregnancy. If you experience extreme pain in the lower abdomen, blood clots, or heavy bleeding during a blighted ovum miscarriage, you may want to speak with your doctor about the possibility of having an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous to the health of the mother if not treated right away. Make sure you speak up immediately if you suspect this type of pregnancy.

A close up of a woman's stomach.  She has both hands on the top and bottom of her stomach.

How Is A Blighted Ovum Diagnosed?

A blighted ovum is typically diagnosed through a combination of ultrasound scans and blood tests. During the routine ultrasound that occurs in the first trimester, the doctor will look for signs of a gestational sac in your uterus, which is usually one of the first signs that a pregnancy is progressing normally. However, if there is no gestational sac present, or an empty gestational sac, on the ultrasound scan, it may be a sign of blighted ovum. This type of pregnancy is usually diagnosed during the first trimester. Up to 90% of blighted ovum pregnancies end by the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Blighted Ovum?

Some of the most common symptoms associated with blighted ovum miscarriages include vaginal discharge, spotting or bleeding and mild to moderate cramping. Other symptoms may include a decrease in early pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, nausea or sore breasts. There may also be a decrease in HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) pregnancy hormone levels.

With this type of pregnancy, you may still have the normal symptoms of pregnancy. In fact, you may not feel any differently than you would if you were carrying a healthy pregnancy. However, a blighted ovum can be a very emotionally draining experience. It is very important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally during this time.

How Common Are Blighted Ovums?

Blighted ovum pregnancies are actually quite common, affecting up to 2% of all pregnancies. However, this type of miscarriage is often misdiagnosed in the early stages and can be difficult to detect by ultrasound. It may take multiple ultrasounds a week or two apart in order to confirm the diagnosis. Though it may be a less common type of loss of a pregnancy, it is still an emotionally hard process to go through.

A close up of a pair of female hands holding greenery against her chest.

How Is A Blighted Ovum Treated?

There is no specific treatment that can be used to treat a blighted ovum miscarriage. Most of the time, there will not be a need for medical intervention or a surgical procedure. Your body will go through a miscarriage process to help clear the pregnancy from your body. You may need to have blood draws done in order to make sure your HCG levels are dropping and get back down to zero.

Your doctor may recommend that you take certain medications to help support your body during this loss. If you are hurting, make sure to ask your healthcare provider which pain medicine you are allowed to take to give you some relief. You may also be given an antibiotic if any signs of infection are noticed or suspected. If your body does not clear the pregnancy tissue on it’s own, your doctor may recommend a D&C procedure to remove the remaining tissue from your uterus.

Coping With A Blighted Ovum Miscarriage

If you receive a diagnosis of a blighted ovum miscarriage and are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you through this difficult time, including counseling services, support groups, and online forums. You can even find a support group that is specifically for people who have had an early pregnancy loss.

If you are not comfortable reaching out to a counselor, talk to your husband, partner, or a trusted family member or friend. A blighted ovum may be a type of loss that you have not heard of before, but there are many other women who have gone through it as well. It is better to find someone you trust than to try to hold all of the grief in. Holding the grief in only leads to a stronger release of the emotions. This can happen when you least expect it in response to so many different things. Make sure you are taking care of your emotional health.

It is also important to take care of yourself physically during this time. Be sure to try to eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and stay hydrated. If you plan to try to get pregnant again soon, keep taking your prenatal vitamins. You may also want to consider taking a short break from work or other activities that you find stressful or overwhelming. Take all the time you need to grieve and deal with your emotions.

You may also like reading How to Honor a Miscarriage: Remembering Your Baby and Miscarriage Kit: What To Pack for Comfort After Pregnancy Loss.

A black and white close up of a woman's face looking sad.

Pregnancy After A Blighted Ovum

The good news is most women are able to have a healthy pregnancy following a blighted ovum pregnancy. If you are considering trying again for a pregnancy following a blighted ovum, be sure to speak with your doctor about how long you should wait before getting pregnant again. Ask them if there are any other steps that you can take to increase your chances of having a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. You have to make sure you heal physically and your menstrual period has returned before trying again. Some doctors may tell you it is okay to try right away. Others may say you need to wait a couple of menstrual cycles before trying again. Be sure to listen to their advice.

If you have had recurrent miscarriages, ask your doctor about doing testing to see if they can determine anything that could be causing the losses. There are many different treatments that may be available to help increase the chances of a successful and normal pregnancy, so it is important not to give up hope. It is possible the losses are due to a chromosomal abnormality. They could also be due to other things like hormonal issues, age, or other health conditions and risk factors. Abnormal chromosomes in the baby are estimated to be the leading cause of miscarriage. If you continue to have first trimester miscarriages, your doctor may be able to prescribe medications or provide extra monitoring to help ensure a healthy pregnancy in the future.

After a loss, any future pregnancies may have extra monitoring or other medical management from your doctor. This will likely be in the form of blood tests or ultrasounds. Your doctor will perform these tests to make sure the pregnancy is progressing as it should. You may not feel ready to try again right away, and that is okay! Wait until you feel emotionally ready before you try for another baby.

A woman wearing a white dress stands against a white wall with a serious look on her face.

Whatever your journey is after a blighted ovum miscarriage, remember that you are not alone and there is support available to help you through this difficult time. With patience, compassion, and self-care, you can move forward in healing from this loss and rejoining life again on your own terms. You can still go on to have a viable pregnancy in the future. However, it is a good idea to wait until you are both physically and emotionally ready before you try for another pregnancy. Remember to reach out to family members or friends if you need extra support while going through the grieving process. Every pregnancy loss matters and you are free to grieve your loss! There is no right way to grieve and you have to do what is best to help you heal.

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