Pregnancy is a time of great joy, but it can also be a time of great stress. During those nine months, you are constantly worried about the health of your baby and yourself. You may feel like you are all alone in this journey. But you are not! There are saints in the Catholic Church for pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood who can help guide and support you during this time. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the saints for pregnancy who can offer guidance, strength, and courage during your pregnancy.
You can pray to each saint or carry their special prayer card to always have on hand during a time of need. Whether you are already pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or struggling with infertility, there are many great saints you can turn to for help.
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St. Gerard Majella
Saint Gerard Majella is the patron saint of expectant mothers. He was a Redemptorist brother who is known for his miracles and healing power. A pregnant woman made a false accusation against St. Gerard and said he was the father of her baby. It was only later revealed by the mother that he was not actually the father. As he is also a patron saint for a healthy pregnancy, he is often called upon by pregnant women who are having difficulty conceiving or who are experiencing complications during their pregnancy.

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St Gerard Majella Prayer for Safe Delivery
O great Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of your meek and humble Savior, and devoted child of Mother of God, enkindle within my heart one spark of that heavenly fire of charity which glowed in your heart and made you an angel of love. O glorious Saint Gerard, because when falsely accused of crime, you did bear, like your Divine Master, without murmur or complaint, the calumnies of wicked men, you have been raised up by God as the patron and protector of expectant mothers. Preserve me from danger and from the excessive pains accompanying childbirth, and shield the child which I now carry, that it may see the light of day and receive the purifying and life-giving waters of baptism through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
St. Gianna Beretta Molla
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla was a devoted wife and mother who died after giving birth to her fourth child. She is the patron saint of pregnant women, mothers, physicians, and unborn children. St. Gianna is an example of selfless love and sacrifice. She is someone you can turn to for guidance if you are facing difficult decisions during your pregnancy. She chose to save her child over her own life, thus making one of the most difficult decisions of all.

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St. Anne
Saint Anne is the patron saint of grandparents, mothers in labor, and those struggling with infertility. She is the mother of the blessed virgin Mary and the grandmother of baby Jesus. St Anne can offer you strength and courage as you prepare to become a mother yourself. She can also offer guidance if you are struggling with infertility or getting pregnant.

Photo from Catholic Saint Medals
St. Margaret of Antioch
Saint Margaret of Antioch is the patron saint of safe childbirth. She was a virgin who pledged her virginity to God. She was ultimately beheaded after she refused the advances of a Roman prefect. St. Margaret is an example of strength in the face of adversity. If you are facing a difficult pregnancy, turn to St. Margaret for guidance and strength.

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St. Agnes
St. Agnes is the patron saint of girls. She was a young girl who was martyred for her Christian faith. St. Agnes can offer you a guiding hand of protection and strength as you navigate your way through pregnancy and motherhood. She is especially helpful if you are facing some kind of adversity during your pregnancy.

Photo from Christian Iconography
St. Catherine of Sweden
Saint Catherine of Sweden is the patron saint of difficult pregnancies and miscarriage. She was a princess who became a nun and is the daughter of St. Bridget of Sweden. St. Catherine can offer you guidance if you have been through, or are going through, pregnancy loss.

St. Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of Siena was a mystic and doctor of the Church. She is the patron saint of nurses. St. Catherine can offer you guidance and support as a nurse if you work with pregnant women or mothers. She can also provide help to mothers who are in labor or in other situations where they need the use of nurses.

St. Joachim
St. Joachim is the patron saint of fathers, grandparents, and married couples. He was the father of Mary, the mother of God. St. Joachim can offer support for new fathers or fathers-to-be. Saint Joachim’s feast day is celebrated on July 26, which is the same day as St. Anne.

Photo from CatholicSaints.Info
St. Elizabeth
Saint Elizabeth is the mother of John the Baptist. She is the patron saint of the homeless, nurses, widows, and the death of children. St. Elizabeth is the perfect saint to turn to if you are struggling with pregnancy or infant loss or the loss of a spouse or partner during your pregnancy.

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St. Rita of Cascia
Saint Rita of Cascia is the patron saint of impossible cases and special needs. She is someone you can turn to when you feel like you have nowhere else to turn. St. Rita was widowed at a young age and also lost both of her children to disease. She can offer support if you are facing a tough pregnancy with complications or other hard situations.

Photo From Catholic Saint Medals
St. Raymond Nonnatus
Saint Raymond Nonnatus is the patron saint of childbirth, women in labor, and midwives. He is a Spanish saint that was born through an emergency Caesarean section. St. Raymond can provide guidance as you navigate through the childbirth process and deliver your healthy baby. He is also a saint you can turn to if you are expecting to have a C-section.

Photo From Traditional Catholic Priest
St. Colette
St. Colette is the patron saint of women trying to get pregnant, pregnant women, and sick children. She was a nun who is credited with reviving a stillborn baby using a veil given to her by the Pope. Turn to St. Colette for support during your trying to conceive or pregnancy journey. You can also turn to her for help when your unborn baby or other children are sick.

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St. Joseph
St. Joseph is a lay brother and patron saint of families, fathers, and expectant mothers. He was the father of the infant Jesus. St. Joseph is often represented with the symbol of a lily. Turn to him for support in your new role as a father or father-to-be. Saint Joseph can also provide support to help you keep your family unit strong.

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St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony of Padua is the patron saint of lost things. He is someone you can turn to when you feel like you have lost your way. Saint Anthony can offer help and support if you need to navigate a tough situation during your pregnancy.

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St. Monica
St. Monica is the patron saint of mothers and being patient. She is also the mother of St. Augustine. St. Monica is the saint to turn to if you need help dealing with patience during your pregnancy or motherhood journey.

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Whether you are looking for a saint to turn to for comfort, wisdom, or strength, there are many to choose from to help guide you. The ones listed above are just a few saints that can offer guidance during your pregnancy and motherhood journey. Do not forget there are also saints specifically for fathers too! You can also talk to your priest or spiritual advisor about other saints that may be able to help you during this special time in your life. Which saints did you find most useful during your trying to conceive or pregnancy journey? I would love to hear about it in the comments!
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These saints are so beautiful and were so important during my infertility journey!