Congratulations on your pregnancy! You are probably excited and maybe even a little bit nervous about what to expect! If you are looking for information on pregnancy and the different trimesters, you have come to the right place. Many pregnant women want to know as much information as possible about what they are going through. This may be especially true for women who are pregnant for the first time. They want information about the upcoming milestones, appointments, and what their pregnant symptoms will look like. One of these important milestones is when they hit the halfway point during their pregnancy. It is a big milestone to celebrate! In this post, we will discuss the various trimesters and stages of pregnancy and how many weeks is halfway through pregnancy.
Here are the first things you need to know. The first trimester takes place from conception until 13 weeks gestation. This is when the majority of women experience morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings. The second trimester is often considered to be the best trimester. Most women feel their energy levels return and they do not have to deal with morning sickness anymore. This trimester takes place from 14-27 weeks gestation. The third trimester is when most women may start to feel uncomfortable as their baby grows. This trimester involves getting ready for labor and delivery. The third trimester takes place from 28 weeks gestation until birth.
Read on to learn more details about each trimester and what to expect in the coming weeks. Remember, this article does not give any medical advice. It is always a good idea to check with your health care provider if you have any concerns.
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Table of Contents
First Trimester
Typically, you find out you are pregnant either right before or right after your missed period. After ovulation occurs, the egg will travel down the fallopian tube. The egg implants in the uterine wall and starts giving off the HCG pregnancy hormones. When this level gets high enough for a pregnancy test to detect, you will get the positive test. Implantation can happen about a week or so after ovulation, give or take a few days.
At this point, you would technically be about 2 weeks pregnant. Doctors, however, do not calculate the due date this way. Instead, they use the first date of your last menstrual period (or adjusted date if you have a later ovulation) to determine how many weeks pregnant you are. According to the doctors’ typical calculations, you would be about 4 weeks pregnant. Your unborn baby is going through a lot of big changes and growing at a fast rate. The baby will have a big growth spurt during this trimester. Did you know they are starting to develop taste buds even during the first trimester?

Prenatal Visits and Testing During the First Trimester
The first trimester is usually when you have the first of your prenatal visits. Your healthcare provider will often do a dating ultrasound scan around 7-12 weeks. This ultrasound determines exactly how far along you are, checks if the baby’s growth is on track, and gives you an estimated due date. The ultrasound is done using a crown to rump measurement. This measures the baby’s body from the top of the head to the bottom of the baby’s rump.
After you receive the due date, your weeks of pregnancy will likely not change again. You may have blood tests done as well to check for a variety of different things. If you are not currently taking prenatal vitamins, now is the time to start. Stay away from harmful substances as much as you can, like alcohol and certain drugs that you cannot take during pregnancy. You should also avoid very loud noises and eat a healthy diet.
Other important tests during this time can also include the NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing). This blood test can check the risk of your baby having some of the most common trisomies (13, 18, or 21), along with a few other things. The test can also tell you baby’s sex. Some people choose to wait to find out the sex of the baby until the baby is born. If this is the case, you can skip finding out the baby’s gender during this test. Another test you might have is the NT (nuchal translucency) scan. This is a scan of the back of the baby’s neck. It can give information about how likely it is that your baby has certain chromosomal abnormalities, like Down syndrome.
Common Pregnancy Symptoms During the First Trimester
During the first trimester, you may experience a variety of different symptoms and are going through many hormonal changes. Some women have no symptoms at all, while others may feel like they are sick all the time. The most common symptom is morning sickness, which can happen at any time during the day or night and can range from feeling slightly nauseous to full-blown vomiting. Fatigue is also a very common symptom, as your body is working hard to create a whole new human being! You may find yourself needing to take naps or go to bed early. Some other common symptoms during the first trimester can include mood swings, food cravings or aversions, tender breasts, headaches, more vaginal discharge, and constipation. You may still be able to wear your pre-pregnancy clothing for most of this trimester or may need to buy a few maternity clothes.

Second Trimester of Pregnancy
The second trimester is often considered to be the best trimester because most women feel their energy levels return and most of the first trimester symptoms can subside. This trimester takes place from 14-27 weeks gestation. During this trimester, your question of how many weeks pregnant is halfway finally receives an answer. You are at the halfway point of your pregnancy at 20 weeks, which falls around the middle of the second trimester. At 27 weeks, you have reached the end of the second trimester and will be ready to start the last trimester of pregnancy. You may be having a great time being pregnant now that you have more energy back or you may still be struggling to regain your former energy.
Prenatal Visits and Testing During the Second Trimester
You will likely still see your OBGYN or midwife every 4 weeks or so for appointments. They will likely listen to the baby’s heartbeat on the Doppler and check your fundal height. The fundal height is the measurement of where the top of your uterus is as it grows out from behind your pubic bone and towards your belly button. Your doctor will also check your blood pressure and other vitals at each appointment. Some women may opt to have the quad screen test done during this trimester, which can give you more information about the risk of certain chromosomal abnormalities and birth defects.
The biggest test that happens during this trimester is the anatomy scan, which is also known as the 20-week ultrasound. This checks the baby’s growth and the fetal development by looking at all of baby’s major organs. All the vital organs, including the baby’s heart and the baby’s brain will be checked. The umbilical cord and blood flow will be checked along with the amniotic fluid level. The baby’s spinal cord will be looked at to make sure there are no abnormalities as well. If the baby’s development is all on track, you may not have any more ultrasounds during the rest of the pregnancy.
You may also have your gestational diabetes test during the second trimester. If you have PCOS or certain other health issues, you may need to do an earlier test than normal. This test is usually done around 24-28 weeks. If your blood sugar is high, you may need to be monitored more closely for gestational diabetes or do a repeat three hour test.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms During the Second Trimester
During the second trimester, you will start to deal with more weight gain and have a more visible baby bump. You may show sooner if this is not your first pregnancy. You may even start to develop some stretch marks. Your skin may also start to itch as it stretches. Shortness of breath is also a common symptom as the baby grows and takes up more space in your abdomen. You might notice some varicose veins developing due to increased blood volume in your blood vessels, especially if you are carrying twins or multiples. Other physical changes may include an increased sex drive or even nasal congestion. As always, make sure to talk to your doctor if you have any specific concerns.
Third Trimester
The third and final trimester is from 28 weeks gestation until you deliver your baby. This is when you will start to really feel the pregnancy as you deal with more weight gain, fatigue, and Braxton Hicks contractions. You may find it difficult to sleep at this point in the pregnancy as well. During the third trimester, you may also be doing all the fun things during this special time like showing off your pregnant belly with maternity pictures, creating a baby registry, and having a baby shower. It would also be a good time to think about what you want to name your baby, if you have not decided already. Did you know that your baby’s eyes will start to open around the 28th week of pregnancy?

Prenatal Visits and Testing During the Third Trimester
You will likely see your doctor or midwife every two weeks starting during this trimester. They will check your blood pressure, listen to the baby’s heartbeat, and measure your fundal height. The blood pressure is checked at every appointment in order to ensure you do not develop high blood pressure, which could lead to pre-eclampsia. You may have a group B strep test at around 36 weeks. This is a bacteria that can be found in the vagina and rectum and can cause illness in newborns if not given proper treatment. If you test positive for it, you will be given antibiotics during labor to help prevent your baby from getting sick.
Some healthcare providers will do another ultrasound in the third trimester to determine the baby’s size and the health of the fetus. The baby has developed the vernix caseosa, which is a waxy coating that helps protect the baby’s skin. Your baby is also still has a covering of lanugo, which is fine hair that helps keep your baby warm in the uterus. The baby’s body has less space as they grow, which means it may be harder to get a good look at all of their features. You may even be able to have a 3-D ultrasound done that shows you all of the facial features in great detail.
Common Pregnancy Symptoms During the Third Trimester
The third trimester is when most women start to experience heartburn and indigestion. This is because the growing baby pushes on the stomach, which can cause the contents to come back up. You may also start to deal with more Braxton Hicks contractions as your body starts to prepare for labor. Shortness of breath, leg cramps, lower back pain, and swelling are also common at this point in the pregnancy. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and put your feet up when you can to help with the swelling. If you are having any severe symptoms, make sure to talk to your doctor.

Hopefully this post answered your question on how many weeks is halfway through pregnancy and provided you plenty of other helpful information to use along the way. There are options for the first steps you will take after finding out you are pregnant all the way to the end of the third trimester. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. And as always, make sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you have any specific concerns. They will be able to give you personalized advice on how to best take care of yourself during this special time.
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