Victoria W’s Story

When people would ask me as a child, what I wanted to be when I grow up, typically I would feel obligated to state “teacher, nurse, pharmacist, librarian, etc.” However, the only thing I have ever truly wanted to be is a mom. My mom has always had a special place in my heart. She may not have been perfect, (who is?) but she worked very hard to make sure that my siblings and I never wanted or needed anything. She did it all. She worked, multiple jobs, cooked dinner, made sure we all were taken care of, took us to sporting events, etc. I always wanted to grow up and be able to be an amazing mom like her. My life would not be complete if I couldn’t become a mom in one way or the other. 

After five years of longing for a child to love and care for, I have finally received my rainbow. Five years of tears, heartbreak, negative tests, five chemical pregnancies, prayer, questioning faith, failed adoption, healing, blood tests, ultrasounds, and even a surgery with multiple procedures. This has been the hardest and longest adventure I have ever experienced, but I am so very grateful now. I have met so many amazing people, who have gone through something similar and without them, I am not sure I could have continued hoping and trying. 

My best friend also had a very hard time receiving her rainbow baby, and we had always dreamed of being pregnant together! Now, her precious baby is already here in the outside world, while my rainbow is still baking. We did it. We accomplished the biggest dream we both had, together. 

My sweet rainbow will be named after my oldest brother, her uncle. He passed away about a year before I started trying to have a child, so in honor of him and my bond with him, we decided to use his middle name as her middle name! She is already loved by so many people, and it brings me peace to think about all the perfect angels who sent her to me. 

I am very open about my personal experiences and always do my best to be there for others who need support as well. Fertility problems are absolutely terrible to go through, we all need someone who understands.

Victoria wears a pink dress and the rainbow skirt. She holds both hands on her pregnant belly.

Victoria wears a pink dress and the rainbow skirt. She holds both hands on her pregnant belly.

Victoria wears a pink dress and the rainbow skirt.

Victoria wears a pink dress and the rainbow skirt. She holds both hands on her pregnant belly.

Photos taken by Kali Duncan Photography.

Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.

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