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Temi’s Story

The road to conception

I met my husband April of 2018, and we got married May of 2020. I have always wanted to be a mother and my marriage gifted me with four stepchildren who I adore and love like my own. My husband and I never wanted to force them to call me mom and that is something I always seemed to miss.

I was taking birth control and officially stopped June of 2020 because we were ready to try to conceive. We kept trying, I kept tracking my cycles and looking for ovulation and peaks.

In July of 2021 my husband and I found out I was pregnant. On July 10th, 2021, we took the official Clear Blue pregnancy test and it was positive. We were both beyond excited with the news.

On July 12th we went to see a Cirque Show. When we returned home, my husband saw that my leotard was slightly bloody. I had no idea what that could be, but quick research and I believed it was implantation bleeding. With each following day the spotting turned to more show and then a flow. I did not experience any pain however I felt that something was wrong.

Three days later, while at work, I finally phoned the OB office and this time they agreed to see me. By that morning the blood flow was alarming. I remember sitting in the waiting room looking at all the pregnant women wishing it were me. I had the ultrasound and while laying on the chair I wanted to ask the tech questions, but I did not because I knew I would put her in an uncomfortable situation. I also did bloodwork and then I saw the doctor. She had a sad look to her face and said to me “I know tests show you’re pregnant, but I do not know where your pregnancy is located”.

I immediately began sobbing and had no idea what was going to happen next. She told me I had to go to the hospital to run more tests that would return right away versus waiting a couple days and that she would meet me there. Fast forward a couple hours, my husband had just arrived and so did my doctor. She told me my right fallopian tube is ruptured and at this point it is unknown if my right ovary is affected. My eyes kept filling with tears not being able to control my emotions. I remember my husband holding my hand and giving me a kiss. After surgery, I had lost my right tube but not ovary. There was still hope that we could conceive naturally.

From July to October, we were not allowed to try to conceive to prevent another ectopic pregnancy and after that we began trying again. Fast forward to February, still with an empty womb we decided to seek Fertility treatment. All my husbands’ results were great, mine as well but something strange she told me is that my reproductive system was running 5 years older than I am. We wanted to try insemination and my fertility doctor declined due to my previous ectopic pregnancy and immediately suggested IVF. We did not have the money up front and felt discouraged.

I went back to my OB and she gave me Clomid and warned me that I can only take it 3 cycles. I started July and August, felt discouraged and took a break in September. October came around and that was our final opportunity. I was ovulating the week of my husbands’ birthday. And just like that, we conceived with our last dose of Clomid on my husbands’ birthday.

I had an amazing pregnancy except for my SI joint hurting since conception to the point where getting out of bed at night was unbearable and I had to hold on to dresser and walls to make it to the restroom. Fast forward 35 weeks I was placed on bedrest due to having contractions and we did not want our little miracle arriving early. Luckily, I was taken off bedrest at 37 weeks.

My plan was to work throughout my entire pregnancy to save my time for when baby arrived, so I was able to return to work. I made it to my last day of my work week. I told my co-workers that I will not be back for a while. Doctor wanted to induce due to baby measuring large and she wanted to prevent a C-Section. Hospital was booked and only spot was 2 days before my due date. Initially I scheduled it but then cancelled it due to not feeling comfortable getting induced so close to my due date.

Our little miracle arrived on July 5th, 2023, on his due date. I cannot be more grateful and blessed that he is finally here and doing amazing.

Temi wears a white dress and the rainbow skirt. She sits on the ground holding her pregnant belly.

Temi holds her newborn baby and looks down lovingly at him.

Photos taken by Olivia Paiz.

Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.

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