Kristy’s Story

From a very young age Kristy knew her purpose in life was to be a mother. When she got together with her husband she was blessed with a beautiful step daughter and that’s where her mothering journey began. Soon after getting married Kristy and her husband began trying for their first child together. 4 months after they began to try for a baby, in October 2021 she got a positive pregnancy test. They were so excited to be welcoming their first child together. The first ultrasound went well, the baby had a heart beat. The next month they went in for a second ultrasound and the baby no longer had a heart beat. Kristy suffered a missed miscarriage. This was beyond devastating for them both. Her body wouldn’t do what it naturally should so the doctors had to prescribe medication to induce labour. This experience was very traumatic and led to a couple hospital trips. They weren’t sure if they were ready to try again right away. 

They decided to begin trying again a few months into 2022 and did not have a positive test until February 2023. They were about to begin fertility testing when Kristy got a positive test. Because of her fears and anxiety from her previous loss she continued testing every day and three days after the positive test, the tests turned negative.  She knew something wasn’t right despite trying to remain positive. Days later the pregnancy ended in a chemical miscarriage. 

They were planning to resume fertility testing but decided to wait a few cycles when Kristy got another positive test June 1, 2023. There was a lot of fear and anxiety given the history but baby had a strong heartbeat at the first appointment. They were monitored closely going for ultrasounds frequently until 12 weeks. Baby was doing great and growing perfectly. They are so excited to welcome their double rainbow, a baby girl, in February 2024. 

On February 7 Kristy started early labour at 2cm and that continued for 40 hours at home. On the morning on February 9th she was scheduled for an induction and headed to the hospital because she was having a lot of contractions but they weren’t consistent. Once she arrived she was 4cm and in active labour. No induction was needed and she continued to labour for 10 hours. While pushing, the baby was having decels and she ended up needing to be delivered with forceps. She was born at 7:06pm on February 9. A few hours after birth baby Gracie was found to have low oxygen and was rushed to another hospital NICU with a pneumothorax while Kristy has to stay in the other hospital due to hemorrhage and infection. Thankfully Gracie recovered well in a few days and is now home. 

Kristy wears a black top and the rainbow skirt. She holds her hands on her pregnant belly.

Kristy wears a black top and the rainbow skirt. She holds her hands on her pregnant belly. The skirt flows out to the ground around her.

Kristy wears a black top and the rainbow skirt. She stands on a set of stairs.

Kristy wears a black top and the rainbow skirt. She sits on a set of stairs.

Photos taken by Theresa Oliveira Photography.

Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.

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