I was diagnosed with suspected Endometriosis in my mid twenties and officially diagnosed at 31. After my second surgery to treat it at 37, my left ovary and fallopian tube were damaged by scar tissue and after 6 months of not getting pregnant naturally I started fertility investigations ahead of IVF treatment.
I did my first IVF cycle at 38 which resulted in 2 embryos and we transferred 1, despite having a thin uterine lining (just over 6mm). We saw our baby and heartbeat at 7 weeks but sadly at 9 weeks were told our baby had stopped growing and there was no longer a heartbeat.
I experienced a missed miscarriage and had an MVA procedure in November 2021. We named our baby Skylar.
In 2022 my consultant at the time thought I had little chance of carrying a baby and mentioned surrogacy. However after doing an exploratory hysteroscopy, significant scar tissue was found, so much so I had 2 hysteroscopies within 2 months!
My lining significantly improved after, however despite getting around 7 embryos in October 2022, the 2 that were transferred were not successful and the others tested abnormal, which was a new level of grief and I took time off work for my mental health.
In May 2023 we transferred our one and only PGT-A ‘normal’ embryo from an egg collection in February and I am currently pregnant aged 40 with our rainbow boy due on Valentine’s Day.
I’ve found the support and understanding from the Instagram community invaluable and so thankful for programs like Journey for Jasmine that raise awareness of fertility challenges.
Following my experiences, I’ve now launched my own business, Positility, to help people find helpful information to support a more positive fertility journey quickly and easily.

Photos taken by Vicky.
Embryo art by Embaby Art.
Henna done by Sarah Budello.
Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.
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