Jessica J’s Story

Jessica and her husband are highschool sweethearts who had always dreamed of a big family. There were no problems getting pregnant with their first. When she turned a year old they decided to try for a second, wanting the first two close in age and got pregnant very quickly again. 

Unfortunately at 7.5 weeks Jessica began to bleed. At 8 weeks she suffered her first miscarriage. After months of trying with success they began early testing, confirming PCOS and secondary infertility. After three rounds of fertility medication, Jessica finally got pregnant. The pregnancy was confirmed at 8 weeks to be a blighted ovum and at 12 weeks she miscarried naturally. 

As they were about to begin testing with a fertility specialist, they were surprised to learn Jessica was pregnant naturally. In winter 2019 she gave birth to their son. Years later they decided to try for a third and we surprised by how easily they got pregnant but each pregnancy ended with a miscarriage. This happened four times since they began to try and the sixth miscarriage ended up sending Jessica to the E.R hemorrhaging in critical care as she couldn’t stay conscious. 

After she was cleared they tried again and a new pregnancy was confirmed. The first two ultrasounds showed multiple empty sacs. They decided to wait and see a ultrasound tech at the hospital and were shocked to find a completly healthy baby. Jessica is now in third trimester with a very healthy baby boy.

Jessica wears a black dress and the rainbow skirt. She holds her hands over her pregnant belly.

Jessica wears a black dress and the rainbow skirt. She holds a hand over her pregnant belly.

Jessica wears a black dress and the rainbow skirt.

Jessica wears a black dress and the rainbow skirt. She stands on a path lined with trees and greenery.

Find out more about Project Finding Your Rainbow.

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