Jenna had her first miscarriage in January 2020 at about 5 weeks, and after trying to conceive for only two cycles.
She and her husband received the all clear to try again immediately and then three cycles later, Jenna became pregnant once again in April. This pregnancy progressed further to 10 weeks but the baby stopped growing somewhere between 6 and 7 weeks. They never got to see this baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound. This pregnancy resulted in a D&C surgery after enduring one week of pain in trying to naturally miscarry.
Jenna’s OB said to wait three cycles before trying to get pregnant once more, so that’s what they did. Then two cycles later, she got pregnant again. This time they saw the baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound and her doctor said they should truly “hope for the best” with this pregnancy. Unfortunately this third baby stopped growing around 7 to 8 weeks and Jenna had to have another D&C surgery in January 2021 at 11 weeks.
They were referred to a fertility clinic for dozens of tests to see if there was a reason for the three miscarriages. All tests came back normal, so the diagnosis was unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. Because they could get pregnant so easily, they were advised by the fertility clinic that they were not good candidates for IUI or IVF at this time. The clinic encouraged them to keep trying to conceive naturally, if, of course, they were up for it.
Jenna felt hopeless and she and her husband took a three-month break from trying to conceive to research loss, and to work on their mental and physical health. The grief was overwhelming and they sought out resources to help them work through it. Jenna also switched OBs and found one that was a better fit.
In May 2021 they decided they were ready to try for a baby once more. Eight days later, Jenna became pregnant for a fourth time. This time was different – every ultrasound was perfect and showed the pregnancy progressing as it should. The baby has passed each milestone with flying colours and is an absolute miracle!
Jenna and her husband are due with their triple rainbow baby girl on February 2, 2022, and they could not be more excited to finally hold their baby in their arms.

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It’s so beautiful that you’re being totally transparent about yours & Matt’s journey. We’re all very excited to see baby girl Walker join your family & we’re all sure you’ll be truly wonderful parents. Much love to you both.