My husband & I tried to grow our family since 2016. After a year of trying we sought out help from our doctor by just doing some basic blood work and a seman analysis, everything looked perfectly normal.
In 2019 I underwent a laparoscopic surgery & was diagnosed with mild endometriosis. We decided that we would have a little bit of help from letrozole. We did 5 letrozole cycles with still no luck.
In January 2020 I became pregnant naturally (no letrozole) but had a loss just short of 10 weeks that was due to baby girl having a rare chromosome abnormality called triploidy and chances of survival with that type of abnormality was extremely low. We always wonder what could and would have been.
We kept trying but after feeling so defeated we went to the fertility clinic & we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. This diagnosis wasn’t shocking at all after having all our testing come back normal. What was shocking was we were told we had a 2% chance of conceiving on our own.
We did 3 rounds of IUI (Nov 2020, Jan & Feb 2021) which were unsuccessful. March 2021 we decided to try IVF. We were very fortunate to have had great results. 9 eggs retrieved, 9 fertilized. 100% fertilization. 5 days after retrieval, 4 of our embryos were behind on their growth so we did end up losing those but we still had 5 top grade embryos.
On April 12, 2021 one single embryo was transferred and on April 18th we found out we were expecting. I carried our sweet little rainbow baby to full term.
But on December 16, 2022 life for us really took a turn, I was 38 weeks pregnant & I was no longer feeling our baby move. We went into the children’s hospital to get the devastating news our baby no longer had a heartbeat. On December 19, 2021 I had a vaginal delivery & gave birth to a perfect 7lb 14.6 oz baby boy who we named Theodore Joseph. We lost him an unknown cause & is still unknown to this day.
We knew we wanted to keep trying to grow our family so in March 2022 we were back at the fertility clinic doing some more blood work & testing.
On April 27, 2022 another single embryo was transferred and on May 8th we found out we were expecting our double rainbow baby. It was a pretty nerve-racking pregnancy but our precious baby boy arrived 5 weeks early but safely on December 11, 2022 weighing 5lbs 10 oz
Being pregnant again did not take away the pain of losing our babies or the pain that infertility caused but everyday we are so thankful and so grateful that IVF worked for us and we were able to bring our sweet rainbow baby home.
To whoever is reading this, just know that you are not alone!
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