Katie D’s Story

Katie and her husband, Lars, found out she was pregnant in September 2019 shortly after her father developed complications related to surgery. 

Just before her first ultrasound, her father passed away, leaving her with intense grief and regret for not being able to tell him the good news. A little over a month later, Katie began spotting and experienced a missed miscarriage at 13 weeks.

After being told she could go on to have a successful pregnancy after miscarriage, Katie found out she was pregnant again in August 2020. 

They found out they were having a boy and enjoyed the happiness a healthy pregnancy had brought. Katie and Lars had a lovely baby shower and took maternity photos in the waters of a chilly Florida beach, a day Katie recalls as being the happiest she felt since she lost her father. 

In early March 2021, Katie began to notice a decrease in movement and went in for a check-up. The baby failed the non-stress test and was sent for a biophysical profile ultrasound. She remembers not seeing him move on the screen but hearing a strong heartbeat and being sent on her way home. 

A few days later she didn’t feel her son move at all and called the after hours physician who told her to just come in the next day, but it was too late. 

Gunnar Brian Davis was born still on March 10th, 2021. He was 35 weeks and absolutely beautiful. They never found out what caused his loss. 

Shortly after relocating to Atlanta, GA in September 2022, Katie found out she was pregnant again, this time with a girl. 

With a new group of physicians dedicated to her history and a healthy outcome for her baby, she expects to deliver her double rainbow baby in mid-May. 


Katie gave birth to her little rainbow girl, Stella Hunter. She was born safely into this world on 5/17/2022 thanks to her brother Gunnar.

Photos taken by Sandra Madhere Foto.

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